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Parkersburg, WV, United States

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Family Living

Given the ever dwindling amount of resources’, and the increased demand for them. The disastrous economy and the high cost of living. The idea that each separate American house hold can active the bench marks of home owner ship, new cars and the endless buying we all seem to believe our due , is ridiculous .
Better that family’s pool resources maximize the incomes rather than attempting and failing to live our separate lives. We need to step back, back to the more 18th 19th century model of communal living at least within our families, possibly as a society.
With the decrease in incomes and the high cost of consumer goods it is imperative that we maximize the impact our limited resources’ can have. Looking at the future economic outlook and the really disastrous possible scenarios it is not a day too soon to change the way we all work and live.

Pooling our resources within family’s e.g. Cars homes goods, shared economic responsibilities and goals.
The family group together can achieve many things that would be impossible alone. It may even be possible to achieve a higher more enjoyable standard of living refreshing the bonds of family and restoring a level of family support and community not seen since the end of WWII. The implications of pooling common resources’, money homes vehicles and time are obvious and in fact have been the more traditional form for living in nearly every society at least at the family level for thousands of years.The result is that we are by and large becoming disassociated loners with only the vaguest relationships, the introduction of social networking is a poor second to meaningful human contact.

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